Through the Itel Travel marketplace, our GDS, gain global access to more than 400 airlines, 175,000 hotel properties, and 36 car rental brands. You will have a mile-long list of travel options to provide to your employees.


Hotel Properties

Cruise Lines

Car Rental Brands

Save your employees money and add value to your workplace by offering discounted flights, hotels, car rentals, transfers, tours & insurance.

Unbeatable Travel Discounts

We provide cheaper rates than mainstream booking engines like Expedia because we have a remarkably efficient cost structure, which allows us to take a really small margin and pass massive savings onto your employees.

A Branded Booking Experience

Your employees can easily browse travel options available to them in a fully immersed experience by visiting As such, discounted travel essentially becomes an added perk of working for your company.

World Class Customer Service

Should your employees wish to speak directly to someone before confirming a booking, we have an award winning call centre on hand. There are no added service fees, and the discounted prices available online still apply.


Ready To Talk?

One of our representatives will contact you within 24 hours.

Have a question, or general inquiry?

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